RF Finalzone 2.2.3

FinalZone x10000
- Exp x10000 = Hit Up
- Drop x5
- 1 Slot Gli 70kk
- PvP locations
- New Dragon Armor (Hunting for points)
- New PvP weapons (hunting for spectacles)
- Unik rings, amulets, cloaks
- New weapons Crimson, the weapon of the god
- New Precipitation
- New Anumiusy
- New Generators, chips, amplifiers
- NPCs with modifiers talik, finished armor / weapon 7, new game stuff, etc.
- Removed the Cross Classes
- Heavy Armor Level 66 Archon

Merchan Crimson for Pvp Point
Merchant Crimson for PvP points
Tele Port
Tele Port
Armor untuk lvl kecil
Trader for beginners he can buy armor, weapons, jewelry
Armor PVP + Senjata PVP
Merchant PvP weapons and Dragons gear for pvp all points except for weapons, armor, and can be purchased for Glasses Hunt.
Talic Dan LGS
Talic LGS In NPC
Combine Armor + Weapon
Recipe Combine Armor And Weapon

Weapon :

Armor :

Untuk +1 sampe +6

Untuk +7

tempat farming + cari point hunt + 500

link download : http://www.indowebster.com/patch_v0_1_0f.html Password nya : sundwan
Register :
Website : http://rf-fm.ru/

RF Private Server By Ardian Caisar